Sunday, January 1, 2012

Just Dance 3 Review

     Just Dance 3 is the third installment of the critically acclaimed Just Dance series. Just Dance comes back with an all new soundtrack, new moves, and a new game of fun.
     Gameplay here is very simple. You have dancers on-screen, and you have to mimic their moves as if they were your reflection in the mirror. On the bottom, you will also have little stick figures giving you a vague understanding of what to anticipate. There are also Gold Moves, which, if done correctly, will give you a points boost. At the end of the song, you will be given an accolade, which will tell that you were the most creative, that you were in rhythm, or the most lazy. Using the Wii's motion controls (or the PlayStation Move's or Kinect's), the game will detect how well you are doing the moves. With the Wii and Move, you basically just have to move the remote around the same way they do it, but where's the fun in that? You keep dancing to earn stars, from one to five, and the stars you earn are counted towards your experience in the game, known as Mojo. Anytime you level up, you get a different version of one of the 40+ songs included in this game, such as a Dance Mash-Up. Dance Mash-Ups include virtual dancers from others songs and Just Dance games joining in the song. The game also has a Just Sweat mode, where it has you doing different exercise routines. In addition to the songs already included, you can get downloadable songs that'll cost ya.
     Nothing much to say here. The graphics are pretty appealing, and they still hold true to the Just Dance style. One thing I must say, though, get this game if you know you'll have somebody else to play it with. Otherwise, you might feel that your money is wasted. It would have been nice to see a career mode or campaign of some sort in this game. The other flaw I see in this game is that you could be doing exactly what the dancer is doing, including the footwork, and it would still say that you're not doing it right. But, it could just be me not doing it right. I wish that songs from other games would be in this game, or at least for DLC.
     The verdict of this game? I would say that it's a good game for a party or something. That's about it. But if you do go to a lot of social events, it's not a bad idea to have this game lying around. 

    The good: hit tracks, funky dance moves, awesome multiplayer game.
    The bad: kind of shallow, single player is lame.


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